Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jasob 3.0.3

Jasob 3.0.3

Jasob 3.0.3 | 5,36 MB
JavaScript is scripting programming language used in millions of Webpages worldwide. Scripting languages are not compiled, so JavaScriptsource code has to be downloaded together with the Web page in order tobe run by the Web browser. This has several drawbacks and the mostimportant one is that JavaScript source code can be easily viewed byanyone. All it takes is to open the Web page in the Web browser and tochoose option View Source. This means that anyone can steal yourJavaScript code, modify it and reuse it for his own purposes.

Protect and optimize your JavaScript and CSS code from stealing(theft)! Significantly shrink size and improve download time andexecution speed!

With Jasob your JavaScript code will become impossible to understandthus preventing anyone to steal and modify it. Its size will typicallyshrink for around 70% which will significantly improve download timeand execution speed in the Web browser. How Jasob achieves this? Jasobreads files with JavaScript code and replaces descriptive variable andfunction names like Customer, Salary, FirstName... with meaninglessnames like d, g, m... It also removes comments and unnecessary whitespace characters (space, tab, carriage return, line feed). Thefunctionality of the code remains the same while source code changesdramatically. This process is called obfuscation, and the tool iscalled obfuscator. Obfuscated code is impossible to reverse-engineerand extremely hard or impossible to understand. Jasob also hadlesCascading Style Sheet (CSS) code in a similar fashion as JavaScriptcode and also removes white space characters and comments fromnon-JavaScript/CSS code (like from HTML code). Along with otherfeatures, this makes Jasob a complete solution for Web contentoptimization. It is better to distribute obfuscated version of your Webcontent and to keep your original source code for yourself.

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