Friday, May 30, 2008

WhiteSmoke Text Enrichment

Enableyour plain sentences to become more sophisticated and professional.Using unique, patented Natural Language Processing technology,WhiteSmoke suggests context-based synonyms from its vast database andsynonym dictionary. In addition, this editing software checks andcorrects English grammar and spelling, and helps you write with properpunctuation. All of this, for all styles of writing - business writing,legal, medical, creative, and more.
Enhance your writing with:

English grammar check
Spell check
Proper punctuation
Text enrichment
Synonym dictionary
English grammar corrector
Punctuation corrections
Adjectives & adverbs
Idiom Dictionary
Ideal writing software for:
Legal documents
Medical reports
Essay writing
Business e-mails
Business plans
Creative writing

BCGControlBar Professional 10.0

BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") is an MFCextension library that allows you to create Microsoft Office2000/XP/2003/2007 and Microsoft Visual Studio-like applications withfull customization options (ribbons, customizable toolbars, menus,keyboard and more).
BCGControlBar library has more than 200 thoroughly designed, tested andfully documented MFC extension classes. Our components can be easilyincorporated into your application and save you hundreds of developmentand debugging hours.

BCGControlBar Professional Edition is an MFC extension library thatincludes many advanced features such as detachable tab windows, autohide windows, docking control bars and toolbars that display contextwhile dragging, new docking algorithms (similar to algorithmsintroduced in Microsoft Visual Studio environment and Microsoft Visio),shortcut bars with detachable panes, tabbed toolbars, text editor withsyntax highlighting and IntelliSense®-style support, completely flatlook and more.


Firefox Ultimate Optimizer v1.1

Firefox is my favorite browser ever. I love it because I can open as many tabs as I want in a single window and I can freely customize it with extensions. The problem is that these two great features, tabs and extensions, sometimes turn Firefox into a heavy burden on system resources.

But now I've found the perfect solution. It's called Firefox Ultimate Optimizer and it's a small tool that drastically reduces the browser's craving for memory and CPU. The program doesn't have any configuration options and can only be set to launch with Windows if you have admin rights on your system.

Once launched, it will simply sit on the system tray and perform its task in an incredibly efficient way. Just open the Task manager window and see the difference between running Firefox with or without Firefox Ultimate Optimizer.

Firefox Ultimate Optimizer will make your Firefox browser much lighter on resources!

Languages: English, Spanish, French

Minimum requirements for Firefox Ultimate Optimizer:

* OS: Win2000/XP

Minimum requirements:

* .NET Framework 2.0




RestoreIT Pro combines copy of the guard "set and forget" RestoreIT with the cloned disk fixed DriveClone of FarStone. Esto lo hace una poderosa solución de copia de resguardo que te permite la recuperación desde virtualmente cualquier clase de catástrofe de datos incluyendo la falla de disco fijo.RestoreIT efectúa la copia de resguardo de todos los archivos dentro de la computadora a una partición protegida dentro de tu disco fijo. This makes a powerful backup solution that lets you slip recovery from virtually any kind of catastrophe data including the fault disk fijo.RestoreIT makes copying stewardship of all files within the computer to a protected partition inside your hard disk. Después de un ataque de virus, una caída de Windows, o de una instalación fallida de software, RestoreIT hará volver a tu sistema a la normalidad, aunque Windows no pueda butear. After a virus outbreak, a drop of Windows, or a failed software installation, RestoreIT will return your system to normal, although Windows is unable to Bhutan. RestoreIT te permite además copiar una foto completa de tu disco C a uno compartido en la red oa un dispositivo externo USB. RestoreIT also lets you copy a complete picture of your hard C to a shared network or an external USB device. DriveClone graba una copia completa de tu disco fijo a CD, DVD, oa un dispositivo externo USB Esta copia 1 a 1 te permite recuperar rápidamente, reemplazar o actualizar tu disco fijo en caso de cualquier desastre catastrófico de datos. DriveClone recording a complete copy of your hard disk to CD, DVD or an external USB 1 to 1 copy This allows you to quickly recover, replace or upgrade your hard disk in case of any catastrophic disaster data. Tus archivos, configuraciones y software instalado aparecerán exactamente como estaban cuando creaste la imágen clonada. Your files, settings and installed software will appear exactly as they were when you created the cloned image.


ACDSee 8 professional Full

ACDSee 8 professional Full

In today’s world of professional digital photography, workflow is the name of the game. That’s why we created ACDSee Pro Photo Manager: To give you unparalleled speed in every facet of your digital photography managementfrom photo capture to final print.

View, process, edit, organize, catalog, publish, and archive your photo collections with the precision and control demanded by professional photographers around the globe.

Get full RAW support and RAW processing, powerful organizing tools like customizable folders and categories, quick editing features, visual tagging and full color management support for ICC and ICM profiles to meet all of your professional needs.

If you’re looking for an end-to-end digital photo software solution for all your photography workflow needs, ACDSee Pro is the answer.

Photographs are the core of your business, so having a seamless workflow is priority number one. When you’re dealing with thousands of photographs for clients, you don’t have time to fumble through a cumbersome, awkwardly designed software program.

ACDSee Pro is quick and easy to learn. There’s no steep learning curve, so you’ll be whizzing through its features in no time. You’ll also appreciate its intuitive and customizable user interface that doesn’t slow you down with cluttered menus or poorly positioned toolbars.

View your photographs at full size with uncompromised speed and resolution, browse thumbnails quickly and easily, and process large files with unrivaled speed. If you’re looking to streamline your workflow and increase productivity, this is the software for you.




Alchemy Mindworks GIF Construction Set Professional 3.0a23

Alchemy Mindworks GIF Construction Set Professional 3.0a23


GIF Construction Set Professional represents the state of the art in GIF animation software. It will assemble your original animations effortlessly through its Animation Wizard, squeeze them down to as close to nothing as possible with its Supercompressor; create eyecatching banners and animated transitions; manage your GIF files; add transparency to existing graphics and a lot more.

# Build instant animations with Animation Wizard.
# Reduce the size of your GIF files with Supercompressor.
# Build special-effect text banners with the Banner generator.
# Create sophisticated animated transitions between still images.
# Rotate, crop, color-adjust and resize all or part of an animation sequence.
# Implement transparency in still and animated GIF files.
# Convert GIF files to AVI and MOV — animate your PowerPoint presentations.
# Create rotating two-dimensional animated graphics.
# Protect your graphics with Protection Matrix.
# Manage the controls of multiple images with breathtaking ease.
# Generate text and animations with soft shadows.
# Export animated GIF files to MNG.
# Export animated GIF files to SWF (Macromedia Flash™) with sound.
# Get up to speed quickly with extensive documentation and tutorials


MindMapper 2008 Professional 2008.1831

MindMapper 2008 Professional 2008.1831


Seeing is believing. Now is the time to start visualizing your thoughts and ideas and organizing them into practical, real world applications. MindMapper is more than just tapping into your creative juices, it's understanding the way you think and maximizing it to your advantage. MindMapper allows you to think freely, without the restrictions of unnatural linear formatting and outlining structures commonly found in software. Consider it organization for the unorganized mind.

Using an integrated mapping format, MindMapper empowers you to capture ideas as they come to you, improving thought processes and providing a fast and easy method for multi-person collaboration. Additionally, MindMapper has a two-way file association system for transferring maps into Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, email and hand-held devices, so you can turn creative ideas into deliverables for production or analysis. Or you can stay within your MindMapper program and deliver a presentation of your mind map and even create a detailed schedule including time and resources used. Getting your message across has now become even easier!

MindMapper 2008 includes all the great features of MindMapper v5.0 Professional plus adds many more exciting features and improvements to help you become even more productive in your job or with everyday life.
MindMapper 2008 comes in 3 editions to fit everyone's MindMapping needs and budget: Professional, Standard, and Lite.

Mind Map + Concept Map
To maximize your potential thought process and easily visualize them, you simultaneously need disseminating, converging, innovating, and logical way of thinking. MindMapper 2008 added concept map features into existing map structure. You can now go beyond mapping and creative idea creation, to easily, quickly and logically visualize them in real time.

MindMapper 2008 helps make Concept Maps and Flow Charts easier. New branch designs allow creation of Concept Maps, and new flowing elements allow creation of Flow Charts.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

GamesXCopy 1.0.8



GamesXCopy is an excellent program for burning copy protected CD/DVD games. It has support for all protections (including all versions of SafeDisc and SecuRom) and can make an excellent quality backup of your game.

Download Link:


Barcode Maker v5.50



Barcode Maker v5.50

Barcode Maker is used by thousands of companies around the world every day and more and more companies get their copy of Barcode Maker so that they also will be able to make barcodes the easy way. Barcode Maker is used by Fortune 500 companies as well as in mid size and small companies. Download the latest version today and see why they choose Barcode Maker for their company.

After install simply copy crack to the install directory.



Wednesday, May 28, 2008

DiagnosisPro 5.0 (medical students)

DiagnosisPro can easily be installed on multiple platforms:

* On Windows (desktops and laptops)
* On Pocket PC handheld devices
* Online from any computer with an Internet connection
* On a Palm (currently under development)

DiagnosisPro 5.0 is the most comprehensive, reliable and easy-to-use diagnostic tool available today. With this program's powerful search engine, healthcare professionals can quickly generate a differential diagnosis from practically anywhere: in the office, at home, at the hospital, or even while on the run with the help of handheld devices like Pocket PCs

By simply entering one or more findings or conditions, DiagnosisPro instantly generates a hierarchical list of diagnoses from its database of over 11,000 diseases, 30,000 findings, and 300,000 relationships. To explore a medical diagnosis further, you can utilize the valuable Disease Review and Disease Comparison features of DiagnosisPro.

DiagnosisPro is not intended to make the final diagnosis for a medical practitioner; nothing can replace a physician's expertise and experience. However, a medical doctor is expected to not only know the answers to every medical situation learned way back in medical school, but also to be aware of the most recent developments and advancements.

DiagnosisPro is simply a powerful reference tool that was designed to quickly remind busy medical practitioners of all of the possibilities and conditions which they might have forgotten or overlooked -- especially in complicated or rare cases that fall outside of their specialties.

You can rely on DiagnosisPro because its data is updated regularly. Its database has been compiled by reputable physicians over the past 30 years from more than 90 prestigious medical resources, including Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Stein Internal Medicine, Cecil Textbook of Medicine, Oxford Textbook of Medicine, The Merck Manual, The New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The Lancet, and many more.

Powerful, Fast and Easy to Use

You do not have to be a computer whiz to use DiagnosisPro. It requires no previous computer experience. The program is very intuitive and it's easy to generate the information you need at your fingertips.

The three valuable cornerstones in this program are:

- Generating a Differential Diagnosis
- A detailed Disease Review in outline format
- A side-by-side Disease Comparison of any two diseases

To generate a search for a Differential Diagnosis, you enter one or more findings such as signs, symptoms, lab values, patient's characteristics, the patient's occupation if a condition could be attributable to a job, travel location for regional diseases, or X-ray and EKG results. DiagnosisPro then provides a list of differential diagnoses. You can narrow down the list of diagnoses or expand it depending on the findings you enter.

When you choose a diagnosis, you may then evaluate a Disease Review in a detailed outline format. Each Disease Review includes clinical presentations, demographic information, abnormal lab values, pathophysiology, rule-outs, complications, treatments and much more. DiagnosisPro conveniently provides ICD-9 and CPT codes from its database of over 15,000 codes.

You can save the Disease Review of a case with the click of a button for future reference or pending additional test results. You have the option to type in additional information or comments that you want included in the "case file" for a particular patient. You may also print-out the Disease Review at any time or E-mail it to a colleague (it will arrive as an attachment).

DiagnosisPro 6.0 also includes a Disease Comparison feature -- a side-by-side comparison of the data for two conditions so you can easily discern the similarities and differences. You can choose to see all of the data pertaining to the two diseases next to each other, or you can choose to see only the similarities of the two diseases or only the differences.

When you select a particular disease or condition, we provide hot links for easy access to abstracts and other research materials at important medical reference websites with the search-and-results pertaining going directly to the disease you selected. These websites are: PubMed (with citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals), Harrison's Online, e-Medicine, National Guideline Clearinghouse, as well as Google.

The Ultimate Differential Diagnosing Tool
DiagnosisPro is designed to make your practice safer, enhance the quality of care, reduce misdiagnosis and billing errors, and save time -- especially in diagnosing complicated cases.


CrackPack 1.5

CrackPack 1.5 is a compilation I found some time ago in the internet of all the programs you'll ever need for cracking software, and it says it was compiled by ThyPentacle, so credit goes to him. Don't ask me about cracking though - I've never gotten around to using the pack, need more time to learn cracking.

The programs included:

    Code Fusion 3.0
    hacker's utility 1.5
    Hackman 5.06
    Hex Workshop 3.1
    MemSpy 1.20
    Nifty 2.0
    Resource Hacker
    ShoWin 2.0
    SoftIce 4.0.5 build 334
    w32dasm 8.93


Quick Heal Total Security 2008 9.50


Quick Heal Total Security 2008 9.50 | 39,8 MB

Quick Heal Total Security 2008 gives you complete protection from viruses, spywares, and hackers. It also

helps you stay connected and communicate over the internet by preventing your system from threats over the

Internet. With Quick Heal Total Security in your PC - Enjoy your freedom to work and play in the connected

world. With Quick Heal Total Security 2008 in your PC, you can scan and clean mobile phone connected via

Bluetooth or USB cable.

Quick Heal AntiVirus and AntiSpyware

Check Mark and VB100% certified engine
100% protection from all the viruses in-The-Wild
Daily automatic updates
Detects and removes complex Spywares and Trojans
Detects and removes latest adwares, dialers, bots and riskwares
DNAScan technology takes care of new unknown malwares even before the signature update is available

Quick Heal Firewall Professional 2.0
Easy configuration of security level
Detects all types of hacker attacks
Protects all types of network connectivity
Monitors all incoming connections automatically
Port stealth

DNAScan Technology provides

Comprehensive future virus protection
Automatic protection from new worms, trojans and bots

Fastest detection rates


Sonic Scenarist v4.30-BDA Blu-Ray Disc Authoring

Sonic Scenarist Blu-ray Disc v4.3.0-BDA @250mb
thanks to original uploader (updated links)

Sonic Scenarist® brings Scenarist SD's proven performance and reliability to Blu-ray Disc, providing a comprehensive, professional authoring solution for the next generation of optical media. Offering maximum playback compatibility and complete cell-level control for both standard content and advanced interactivity, Scenarist delivers unrivaled power and world-class results.

* Blu-ray Disc Support - Author fully featured Blu-ray Disc titles. Scenarist provides comprehensive access to the BD-ROM specification and feature set including unrivalled access to the HDMV specification, drag-and-drop BD-J creation, and unsurpassed BD-J integration.
* SD DVD Support - Scenarist's SD DVD authoring technology has been used to deliver billions of commercially released titles to consumers. Since the dawn of DVD, professional authoring facilities have come to rely on Scenarist's unique blend of authoring power and set-top player compatibility.
* BD-J Advanced Interactivity - Scenarist enables the advanced interactive capabilities that give BD its unique appeal, including seamless menus over video, composited contextual menus, synchronized picture-in-picture bonus content, and built-in network connectivity.
* Hands-on Control - Scenarist's direct, non-abstraction-based cell-level authoring technology lets you take charge of the details with complete control over every aspect of your Blu-ray Disc and DVD titles.
* Flexible Workgroup Productivity - Scenarist's unique modular architecture is designed for custom workgroup configuration. You can perform multiple tasks at a single workstation or spread your process over several stations, ensuring a workflow that is as productive and profitable as possible.
* Proven Sonic Quality - Reliability and usability have made Sonic's Scenarist systems the clear choice of high-end authoring facilities around the globe, used to create the vast majority of the world's commercially-released DVDs. Scenarist 4 brings Sonic's proven strengths to Blu-ray Disc.
* Designed with and for the industry - Scenarist 4 was developed in collaboration with the HD Authoring Alliance (HDAA), the worldwide association of top DVD authoring houses dedicated to facilitating the successful rollout of Blu-ray Disc titles.
Also includes Sony's Blu-Ray CMF Cut Master Format Tool 1.0 (used in conjuction with either Scenarist or Sony's Blu-Print, and Roxio Drag-To-Disc


Google Earth Pro-Gold Edition 2008

Google Earth Pro-Gold Edition 2008

Google Earth is a virtual globe program that lets you surf through our entire planet. You can zoom and search for your town and much more things such as school, churches etc! Google Earth Pro (Gold) is the upgraded version, it has alot of more features such as movie making or advanced printing and much more... Worth 400 $

Google Earth Pro combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.

* Fly to your house. Just type in an address, press Search, and you’ll zoom right in.
* Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions.
* Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings, or look up to explore the sky
* Save and share your searches and favorites.


Apple Safari v3.1.1 Final

Apple Safari v3.1.1 Final
(The fastest browser on the planet)

Apple Safari v3.1.1 Final

Year: 2008
Feature: Web-browser
Developer: APPLE
Publication Type: license
Language: English Russian +
Medicine: Not required
Platform: XP - Vista
Size: 18 mb

System requirements: if your iron is XP, Vista is 100% browser you potyanet
Description: Apple announced the release of the final version of the fastest web-browser on the planet - Safari 3.1 specifically for Microsoft Windows.Apple Safari 3.1 web-page loads almost twice faster than Windows Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2, and in this scenario Javascript browser worked six times faster than competing produktah.I most importantly: Safari supports the latest audio, video standards and animated Web 2.0 New version of the program includes all the changes that have appeared in recent versions of the mechanism rendering web-pages Webkit.

Information: very fast browser loads pages faster garazdo ie7 and oper 's

USB Steals Pc Passwords

Tweaked USB that steals every passwords including licences.

1.Decompress the archive and put all the files located in the folder "USBThief"into a USB. (You MUST put all from USBThief directory in main directory of usb, no folders no anything, just simply c/p ...)
2.Insert the USB in your victim's computer.
3.View folder "dump" to see the passwords.

It also makes a second dump folder in the batexe folder.

Tested and Working perfectly!

No Reports with Bitdefender

Please say thanks if you like!

Windows Admin Password recovery full

Windows Admin Password Hack

Windows Admin Password Hack:
Forgot your NT admin password?
Reinstall? Oh no… But not any more…

This is a utility to (re)set the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your NT system.
You do not need to know the old password to set a new one.
It works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a floppydisk or CD. The bootdisk includes stuff to access NTFS and FAT/FAT32 partitions and scripts to glue the whole thing together.

Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
It is also an almost fully functional registry editor!

Windows Admin Hack allows you to reset the administrator password on
Windows 2000/XP.

The ISO must be burned to a CD or Flash drive.

When it is booted, a mini version of linux starts which allows the
administrator password to be reset. useful if you need to work on a
machine the password is unknown.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

WeBuilder 2008 RC

Create and edit any web page code faster and easier.

WeBuilder is revolutionary all-in-one web code editor for all your web document editing needs. Clean and convenient interface, quick startup, true flexibility and powerful features allow you to create and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, SSI, Perl code faster and easier than ever, while integrated tools enable you to validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your code in an efficient and sophisticated manner.


Benefits for professionals

* Edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Ruby within single program
* Clean, lightweight and extremely fast loading
* Familiar interface allows to jumpstart
* All essential code editing features are right at their place
* Fully customizable text editor, menus, toolbars, shortcut keys
* Efficiently reuse common code fragments
* Few click FTP upload or update

Benefits for learners

* Easy to learn and use
* Various templates and code snippets
* Quick start HTML and CSS wizards
* Helps to learn HTML, CSS and even some scripts

Key Features

* Speed - loads very quickly
* Sophisticated, fully customizable and familiar text editor
* Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, WML, XML
* Syntax highlighting for ASP.Net, C#.Net, Ruby, eRuby, Perl, SQL
* UTF-8 Unicode Support
* Advanced HTML editing with Auto Complete, Inspector and other tools
* Advanced CSS editing with built-in CSS editor More info
* Advanced JavaScript editing with built-in JavaScript editor More info
* Advanced PHP editing with built-in PHP editor More info
* Advanced Ruby editing with built-in Ruby editor
* Debug PHP code with xDebug debugger More info
* Realtime PHP Syntax Check
* Code snippet library and code templates More info
* Save and open files directly from FTP/SFTP More info
* Project management and FTP/SFTP publishing
* Matching bracket highlighting
* Matching and missing HTML tag highlighting
* SQL database connectivity (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Interbase) More info
* Search and Replace with Regular Expression Support
* Search and Replace in files
* Spell Checker for text in HTML code and TXT files
* Code collapse
* Multi Item Clipboard
* Ready to use Code Templates
* SVN Support via TortoiseSVN and shell menus from File Explorer
* Countless goodies (block select, line highlighting, text indentation etc.)


Portable Mp3 Doctor v5.11.049

Mp3Doctor is the ONE AND ONLY software specialy designed to improve/modofy/fix/repair your Mp3 or Wav files.

Mp3Doctor is the ONE AND ONLY software specialy designed to improve/modofy/fix/repair your Mp3 or Wav files. The philosophy of Mp3Doctor is to bring to the home or professional user a SIMPLE and EASY way to manipulate in a very accurate and advanced way the sound files without the need to be an expert in audio. Now everyone could give some make-up to his sound files before burning a CD or just to have a standarized set of Mp3 or Wav files.

MP3 Doctor is an editing tool that lets you check, modify, and improve all your MP3s and WAVs in several ways. You can repair imperfect songs or modify them with TRIM, EQUALIZE, RESAMPLE, and a very efficient and improved NORMALIZE feature, and more (stretch, pitch, mp3 to karaoke...). The goal is to let you maintain a similar quality, volume and sound on all your existing MP3s and discover a new quality for you mp3 files. The NORMALIZE, TRIM, RESAMPLE, ENCODE & DECODE features could be done either in SINGLE MODE or in BATCH MODE.

Specialy the music downloaders (Morpheus, Kazaa, Napster, etc) suffer the situation of having very different quality files with different volumes, qualities, eqalizations, untrimmeds, etc. Now Mp3Doctor will help you to mantaind and IMPROVE your music collection.

Improve/Normalize ALL you mp3 collection with just one click!
- Did your mp3 collection has different volumes or quality?
- Mp3Doctor let you standardize the volume level (volume normalizer), sample rate, quality, etc. of ALL you mp3 collection with JUST ONE CLICK.
- Standarize all the mp3 that you has download from internet (Kazaa, WinMX, Morpheus, etc)
- Optimize internally every file to get the best from it.
- Let you normalize a song to avoid lower parts, now you can experience you music colletion at 100%
- Trim (delete lead - ending silence) of your Mp3s.
- Finally a complete MP3 NORMALIZE MP3 - TRIM - FIX TOOL


Animate ur Movies 2.0

Animation from Movie is a small and simple application that converts movies into animation clips. Making animation have never been so easy. Just load a movie (in avi format), click a button and view the result animation. The animated clip can be saved in avi or swf format and can be easily included in a web page.


Magic Camera 3.2.0

Want to present your best look when chatting via Instant Messenger? Want to remotely share desktop to your colleagues? Want to save the video when you are chatting with your family from far away? Magic Camera will empower you with all these dreaming magic via simply adding a virtual camera on your computer.
This is more than magic.:-) Magic Camera is an advanced accompanying virtual camera for instant messenger or any video chat software. It is adoptable for most popular chat software such as MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, ICQ, Camfrog Video Chat, Skype, and etc. Magic Camera operates via adding a virtual camera to your system, Windows 2000/XP and Vista included, and allows you to use it exactly the same as a real camera.

You can use this virtual camera without a physical webcam installed. Simply play a pre-recorded video will give a virtual image of yourself on IM or video chat software to make fun with your friends.

Magic Camera also enables you to share desktop screen with your friends by doing a live screen capture/sending. With this option you can share your documents with your colleagues, show visual demonstration on IM or video chat software, keep your privacy by pretending to be some one else or even do a real-time video forwarding via this virtual camera.

To use it with a webcam already, simply switch this virtual camera to the physical one. By adding lots of funny photo frames and do image overlays to your webcam, Magic Camera makes your video chatting more interesting!

Want to save your video conversations? Use Magic Camera to do it! Start to record your or your friends' live video to disk and even play back to them in the virtual camera later!

There are still more functions! Magic Camera includes video effect functionality. More than 20 amazing video effect can be added to your real/virtual video.

Start the trial today! We are offering free trials and you’ll see more fun, more flexibility, more security and more magic in your video chat with this simple small software. Start the fun today and enjoy it!


Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus

Ulead® VideoStudio® 11 is video editing and DVD authoring software for anyone who wants to easily produce professional-looking videos, slideshows and DVDs. Choose the version that's right for you.
Ulead® VideoStudio® 11 Plus
Easy & Powerful Video Editing + DVD Authoring
All the editing and authoring tools found in the standard version, PLUS unique and powerful features including full HD DVD authoring, AVCHD support, Dolby® Digital 5.1 surround sound and a full set of easy corrective and creative filters.
Imagine the Movies You’ll Make
VideoStudio Editor gives you all the tools you need to produce great-looking home movies. Follow an easy, step-by-step workflow that lets you spend your time being creative rather than learning technical editing.
Movie Wizard is ideal for users new to video editing. Select from attractive themes and let auto-editing create a professional opening sequence for you. Instantly produce entertaining photo slideshows with Smart Pan & Zoom. You’ll have a complete movie in only three steps.
DV-to-DVD Wizard™ The fastest way from DV to DVD. Just hook up your camcorder and choose the clips you want. In just two steps you have a finished DVD complete with menus, titles, transitions and music.
Total High-Definition Solution
Make the most of your HD camcorder, widescreen TV and surround sound system. Easily produce high-definition videos and HD DVD discs with the best quality picture and sound.
Multiple Overlay Tracks and expandable timeline
Create sophisticated picture-in-picture and montage effects with up to six overlay tracks.
Multi-track Movie Wizard templates
Automatically create great movie-style opening sequences and movies with picture-in-picture overlays, music and titles.
Dolby® Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
With Dolby® Digital 5.1 Surround Sound, your home movies will sound like you're in a movie theater.
Auto Color and Tone filters
Auto-correct videos that were recorded in poor light conditions.
DeBlock and DeSnow filters
Clean up video with digital noise or blocky compression artifacts.
MPEG Optimizer
Suggests encoding settings for the best quality and speed.
DVD Authoring
Create fully-interactive DVD or HD DVD* motion menus and submenus, including 16:9 widescreen. Customize menus by resizing and positioning buttons. Apply menu transitions that segue smoothly between menus and DVD content, and menu filters which allow you to create movement even on static menus, for professional-looking DVDs.
MPEG-4 and H.264 Support
Take advantage of output templates for creating video for iPod®, PSP™, Zune™, Smartphones, PDAs and other portable devices.
InterVideo® WinDVD® Player included
Share your standard and high-definition video, (AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD/WMV-HD), right from your computer.


Stardock Software AIO Pack

The Package Includes:
CursorXP 1.31 Plus
DesktopX 3.1 Professional
IconDeveloper 1.30 Professional
IconPackager 3.00a Enhanced
Icon Explorer
IconX 1.10 Enhanced
Keyboard Launcher 1.10
Multiplicity 1.02 Professional
ObjectBar 1.65
ObjectDock 1.20.520U Plus
RightClick 1.10a Enhanced
SkinStudio 4.6 Professional
Virtual Desktop 1.0 Enhanced
WebBlinds 1.06 Enhanced
WindowBlinds 4.6 & 5.0 Final Enhanced
WindowFX 2.12
Logon Studio


addons FireFox tools AIO full

Mozilla FireFox AIO
- Browsers(4).
- Plug-ins(16).
- Themes(7).
- Wallapers(56).
- Minigames(2).



Website Copier full

Website Ripper Copier | 1.34 MB
Website Ripper Copier is an award-winning, all-purpose, high-speed Internet tool for getting any data from the Internet easily. It can download all or part of a website to your computer for offline browsing, grab site files of certain sizes and types (picture, movie, MP3, PDF, Flash, document, archive), teleport files as a download manager with resumption support, and mirror sites. Plus, it is a sitemap explorer and tabbed antipop-up Web browser.

Product Benefits:
-- Copy Web sites to your computer for offline browsing
-- Grab files of certain sizes and types from Web sites
-- Download huge number of files from the Web with resumption support
-- Create exact copies or mirrors of Web sites
-- Explore link structures of Web sites
-- Tabbed Web browser with pop-up controls
-- Access copied Web sites anywhere without an Internet connection
-- Save useful or important Internet information for later use easily
-- Browse Web pages at the fastest speed
-- Lower your risks of getting viruses or being spying
-- No more annoying pop-ups
-- Save you a tremendous amount of valuable time

Product Features:
-- Easy to use: The program is designed to everyone and it has a friendly and easy user interface. You can start running a new project with a few easy steps!
-- Reliability: The program can resume broken downloads from the HTTP, HTTPS and FTP connections. You may pause a running project and run it later on. It will resume from the point where it's previously stopped. It's extremely useful when downloading large-size Web resources. Furthermore, the program gives you the power to retry any completed or failed Web pages or downloads.
-- Flexibility: You can view any project properties and even job properties at any time. Plus, you can save and run any projects at any time.
-- Controllability: You can edit or delete whatever jobs whenever you want. You can also modify any project properties at any moment. Hence, you have full control over your projects.
-- Extensibility: You can define references to the page parser of the program, such as the associated file-extensions of parsable pages and link-tag collection. -- This feature enables you to extend the power of the program to adapt the rapid changes of the Internet!
-- HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols support
-- Web authentication support: You can retrieve files from password protected Web sites.
-- Web cookies support: The program can accept and return Web cookies; it can also import Internet Explorer cookies. In addition, it allows you to define your own cookies!
-- Web proxy servers support
-- Web connection settings and server overload protection: You can define Web connection settings, such as number of concurrent connections, number of retries and pause between connections which can prevent overloading Web servers.
-- Powerful Web page and download filters: The program offers powerful Web page filters and download filters (Internet resources filtration with exploration depth, server names, URL descriptions, file names, file types, file sizes and more) to increase the accuracy of the retrieval of your desired Web resources.
-- File Organizer: The program can download and well organize your needed Web resources to your computer. You may specify how files are organized (save all downloaded resources under one directory, organize them by their servers names or file extensions, or save them with their directory structures preserved).
-- Project information and statistics: The program shows you project information and statistics in details. You know how your projects are going at any moment.
-- Program and project automation: The program offers you automation options to the program and your projects, such as auto-run, auto-save, auto-shutdown, auto-exit and more.
-- True Multi-threaded
-- Password protection: You can password protect your projects; it prevents unauthorized people from running your projects.
-- File name pollution control: You can specify how to handle Web resources that share the same file names. The program can automatically assign unique names to name-conflicting files, which can maximize the amount of Internet resources to your projects.
-- Unique retrieval: The program keeps a retrieval history to ensure each Internet resource is retrieved only once, which can eliminate redundant works!
-- Favorite URLs and file types: You can define your favorites (Internet URLs and file types) to speed up project creation.

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Native Instruments FM 7 + 2 000 Sounds

The FM7 can read all programs from the original DX7, DX7-II, DX11, TX81Z, DX21, DX27, DX100, TX802 and reproduce the sounds of these machines with spectacular realism.

Classic sounds can be transformed into something completely new with the FM7. For example, each of the operators of the FM7 offers many waveforms besides sine. Additionally, a distortion operator with noise and an analog filter operator complement the waveform operators and increase the sonic range of the FM7 far beyond classic FM synthesis. Unlike the classics, FM routing can be set freely. The effect section of the FM7 offers high quality stereo chorus, flanging and delay effects., Programming and operating the classic FM synthesizers has never been easy. But the advanced graphical editors of the FM7 offer an intuitive environment to explore FM synthesis.

Now the world of FM synthesis can be easily accessed and the enormous sound potential of frequency modulation can be rediscovered, but with a modern twist.

The FM7 runs on Macintosh or Windows, either as stand-alone with MME, Direct Sound, Sound Manager and ASIO or as a plug-in with a VST, DirectConnect or DXi compatible host program.

2 000 Sounds for FM 7


best search engine Arrow Archivarius 3000 4.00

Archivarius 3000 is a full-featured application to search documents and e-mail on the desktop computer, your local network and removable drives (CD, DVD).

The documents can be searched by content, the same as with Internet search engines.

Key features include
  • Instant full-text search of documents and e-mails.
  • Word form search on 18 languages.
  • Support for LAN (local network) and removable drives (CD, DVD and others).
  • Support for popular formats, document search from MS Office and PDF to TXT.
  • Searching documents in archives ZIP, ACE, RAR and others.
  • Searching in Outlook, Outlook Express, MS Exchange, Netscape, Thunderbird, PocoMail and The Bat! e-mail messages and their attachments.
  • Searching in Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino databases.
  • Remote searching and documents accessing via Internet.
  • Full Unicode support.
  • And much more...

Now you can see what's hidden

LogMeIn Pro - Remote access to your PC from anywhere

Access & Control Your PC from Anywhere

For you, success means finding the perfect balance between work and life. You work hard and play hard. LogMeIn Pro gives you the edge you need: in the office, on the road or wherever you choose to go. Now with Remote Sound, Drag and Drop and so much more, you'll never come closer to actually being there.

Gain seamless and total access to your home or office PC from any computer with an Internet connection. If you are looking for increased flexibility and productivity, welcome to LogMeIn Pro.

Now you can see what's hidden

Water Desktop 3d 2.19

Watery Desktop 3D is a screen saver which can work in fullscreen mode and desktop mode, and animated wallpaper which will allow you to animate your desktop with the effects of water (rain, waves etc). You can configure Watery Desktop 3D to get the best performance from your hardware configuration. Watery Desktop 3D works with minimal (idle) priority, so do not worry about system performance.



Crack any program Lock 3.8.1

Forget the Trial ..... Program to stop the time the test programs.
This program basically serves to remove / delete the trial versions of the programs, what it does is make the program believe that the time of testing is not progressing, it is always the same. " CrackLock" is a program that allows us to indefinitely extend the probationary period of Shareware programs that have a time limit. It works by making the program believe that the date remains constant. Simple and effective.

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