Block Untrusted USB Memory Stick Activity in Office
Whether you're an IT professional, a small business owner, or just someone who cares about sensitive data security, MyUSBOnly can help
protect you against data theft.
New Feature! Silent Unattended Installations on multiple computers!
New Feature! Monitor files/folder copied, modified, deleted activity on USB memory stick!
Secure Your Files: Stealing information - or just reading it without permission - is a lot easier than it used to be. All you have to do is stick a USB thumb drive into a port, copy some files, and put the drive back into your pocket.
Yes, a lot of us are pretty careful about encrypting our backups, and the info we send over the internet, but then leave a big hole in our security by not protecting our files from being copied to a drive that fits in a pocket and can easily hold all our private information.
Fortunately, there's a way to protect ourselves and our info.
MyUSBOnly lets you:
Prevent data theft by blocking all but your trusted USB storage devices. Stop your files from walking away on thumb drives, mp3 players, flash cards and portable USB hard drives.
It will check a whitelist of allowed devices by USB brand (if you want to allow a certain USB brand that is used by the company) or by serial number (for specific USB devices you want to allow).
Secretly log all USB connect, disconnect and files/folders copied, modified, deleted activity.
Get an email or syslog notification message when an unauthorized USB storage device is connected to your PC.
Run it invisibly, so you can catch, as well as deter, problem coworkers, visitors, family members, or managers.
How it Works:
MyUSBOnly is a unique product that provides security for USB storage
devices that are so prevalent nowadays in any environment.
Technically, it acts as something similar to a firewall that monitors
the USB ports for any storage device that is connected to the
protected computer.
Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008
Pentium PC or above
USB flash drives or USB storage devices

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